
Tips to Get Your Office Ready For Work After Covid-19

Published May 30

It’s been a tough time for all businesses amidst Covid-19, although there are signs of hope. With restrictions in Australia starting to ease up, some offices and businesses will be looking to get back into the swing of things, with heavy sanitation in mind. Here are some tips to help get your office fit and ready for work after this extended break.

Deep cleaning and disinfection

If your office usage has been significantly reduced as a result of Covid-19, then likely the computers and hardware you and your staff were using will be dusty. Even before Covid-19 its likely keyboards and mice were dirty as it’s so easy for them to build up with germs. 

Now is the perfect time to arrange a deep clean & disinfection for the office before everyone returns. Not only will the office look spick and span, a good disinfection will improve health and safely in the workplace. 

If you have any sofas or upholstery in your building, then simple cleaning procedures may not be enough to effectively disinfect and clean. The most effective method of properly disinfecting is with upholstery steam cleaning, which uses high temperature water to steam clean surfaces, and kill germs. Steam has proven itself and after time again as being an effective disinfectant that is easy to use as a commercial steam cleaner for carpets and fabric curtains.

Think about it, when was the last time your office carpet was cleaned? Not just vacuumed, but properly cleaned, removing all the grime and muck that could be hiding underneath the stitching? If your answer is recently, then kudos to you! If you can’t even remember when, then it’s a great time to look for professional carpet cleaning services to get your carpet back in tip top shape which foot traffic is minimal. 

Keep yourself and your customers safe

As a result of Covid-19, the public will value companies who actively demonstrate safe hygiene and cleaning procedures, especially around your businesses public areas (eg. waiting rooms). There will be additional pressure for your business to adapt to these changes and stay on top of cleaning and more importantly, properly disinfecting your site before opening, for peace of mind from your customers and staff. 

Try to keep plenty of soap, toilet paper and cleaning supplies in stock for the bathrooms. Have plenty of hand sanitiser available for clients who visit, and provide options for them to stay safe from germs, such as offering them face masks or covers for chairs when applicable.

If there is a lot of client contact and you or your staff are cautious of spreading the virus, many companies particularly in the food industry have set up plastic sheets over counters to help prevent the spread of the virus. This may not apply to your office or business but may be something to think about.

Whatever precautions you decide to take, it’s a new time for everybody, both customers and businesses. Keep updated on the latest news and trends surrounding the virus and do your best to keep on top of it. 

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